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Introduction: Rethinking our learning strategies

Schools teach us what to study but they only go so far in teaching us how to do it. We typically pick up our study methods from our classmates or from what seem the most popular study tactics, however it turns out that many of these ways are actually rather ineffective. These tactics undoubtedly do work, but are highly inefficient and may even be holding us back from attaining our true learning potential.

We do a lot of planning and reasoning before taking certain important decision, but when it comes to selecting our learning strategies we try to figure it out ourselves or do what seems to be easy without even questioning their effectiveness and efficiency. We keep applying these strategies even when they fail produce the desired results. Before questioning our strategies we question our own lack of aptitude for learning and acquire beliefs that cause us to doubt our abilities and say things such as, "I'm not good with numbers" or "it's not my thing." Its not that we are incapable of learning but instead it's our learning methods that ought to be blamed.

Since learning is a lifelong process, it makes sense to be well-equipped with effective techniques. It's time that we assess our current learning strategies and replace them with the most effective ones. This does not imply that every tried and tested method would work for everyone, but the process is entirely flexible. It is up to us to determine what works and what doesn't to optimize the process for achieving our goals. 

Fortunately, you are at the right place, this blog is dedicated to helping our fellow students to become better learners. Through this blog you will discover the most effective strategies with practical techniques to implement them to your learning. Our goal is to spread the knowledge so that your grades don't limit you from achieving the best of your potential. 


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