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How to Understand Better

How to Understand Better: Structuring In the previous section we understood how learning occurs when you make connections between information and relate it to what you already know. The spider web analogy is a great tool to understand this. Every time you learn something new, you begin to form associations and place it in your web of association in a way that relates to the knowledge surrounding it. Hence, forming a bigger picture of how it's relation. When you think about something you begin to think in clusters of ideas, if you are thinking about School, you may not only think about the word, you begin to think about your journey to school, your friends, your teachers, all the good and not so good memories you have associated with it. Mind maps better notes - reading sentences takes lots of time- use sketch noting as a picture is worth a thousand words Testing Mixing
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Rote Memorization vs Meaningful Learning

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How does learning actually happen

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Introduction: Rethinking our learning strategies

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